
Dear Students and Families,

This blog is for Grade 4 and 5 students to continue to reflect on our curriculum.

Each week the blog will be updated with a new post and poll. Select one question in the post to think deeply about and respond in the Comment section below.

I can always be reached at dorit.perlmutter@tdsb.on.ca.

Happy blogging,
Ms. Perlmutter

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Week Away

Dear Students,

I have missed you this week. As I expect you know, my dear grandmother (or as I called her, Bubby) passed away Monday morning and I was devastated when I heard the news. Perhaps there is, or has been, someone in your life that you have lost or miss. You hopefully experience support from family and friends to help heal the sadness.

This week, I spoke about my 'Bubby' at her funeral and spent a lot of time with family remembering her funny personality and sharing stories from the past. I'm beginning to feel better. It also means a great deal to me that I work in a community of students and staff who care for each other, particularly when times get tough. Thank you for being part of that community.

News has come to me from Jesse Ketchum that you have earned yourselves a Pizza Party this Friday afternoon for excellent behaviour. I am so very proud of each of you for acting out this month's character trait and being your best selves. Thank you for showing great respect to all the teachers who you welcomed into Room 16 these past few days. (Try to imagine the giant smile I have on my face right now just thinking about my exemplary students!)

As for this weekend's homework, I hope you can read the first post of this blog, to be found in the side panel's Blog Archives section, entitled "News for Kids is Finally Here!" and follow the instructions. I've urged you to:
a) visit the site www.teachkidsnews.com
b) read a news article of YOUR choice
c) write and post a short response about the article on this blog
READING RESPONSE SUCCESS CRITERIA: A thorough response may include the article's title, main idea or subject (i.e. sports, crime, art), 5Ws ( who, when, where, what, why) and any connections you may have ("This article reminded me of...", "The most important point is..."). If you have trouble publishing your response, please email me your response at Dorit.Perlmutter@tdsb.on.ca.

Also, if you haven't had a chance to vote in the Canada's Most Important Person Survey, please do so. Check out the ENTIRE blog and even visit links by scrolling over the images on the side panel. You can also check out recommended Internet sites that are listed at the bottom of the blog.

The theme of the week is Community. This will link to our Social Studies units as we dig deeper into understanding Citizenship related to Canada's geography and Canadian government. What do you remember about Canada and World Connections? How do communities create provinces, territories or regions that are fair, equal and responsible?

Ms. Perlmutter

Sunday, September 25, 2011

News for Kids is Finally Here!

It is great that as a class, we have begun to collect a host of high-quality language and math Internet sites to recommend and share. Visiting these sites can help us practice learning skills in an interactive and fun way.

Now, I have found a fabulous website for you to read about current events.

Visit www.teachkidsnews.com to read news articles on your favourite topics, such as sports, entertainment or breaking news.

Here's what to do:
Browse the site to see all the different headings you can choose from. Then, select an article to read. Finally, post an entry below listing the Title of the article you read and tell us about it!

I look forward to reading your posts!

Ms. Perlmutter